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User Rights Management

 User Rights Management allows the user/administrator to limit the access and privileges of the user who will access the software

This is to avoid other user to access confidential files such as payrolls, Employee 201, Device Settings, etc..


Each modules has different functions to be given to the user for their access.


User Rights List:


l  Overall

n  View all employees - allows the user to view all employees

n  View Government Table - allows the user  to view Government computations

n  Edit Government Table - allows the user to view and edit Government computations

n  User Rights Management - allows the user to User Rights Management

n  View Software License - allows the user to view the current status of the software license

n  Activate Software License - allows the user to edit/update the Software License


l  Dashboard

n  View Today’s Attendance - shows count of total of employees that is  Present, Absent, Late and on Leave

n  View Transaction Pending Count - shows count of pending DTR Transactions

n  View Incomplete Employee/s Notification - show list of employee’s with incomplete details to be included on the cutoff processing.


l  Announcements

n  View all announcement - allows the user to view all created announcements

n  Modify Announcement - allows user to modify/update announcements

n  Create New Announcement - allows the user to create a new announcement to be shown on dashboard

n  Delete Announcement - allows the user to delete announcements


l  Employees

n  User View of Employee - allows the user to view only his employee profile

n  List View of Employee - allows the user to view employees depends on the rights given.

n  Adding of Employee   - allows the user to add new employee(s).

n  Editing of Employee- allows the user to modify/update employee(s) details

n  Deleting of Employee - allows the user to set the employee as Inactive/Resigned.

n  Editing of Device Information - allows the user to update/modify employees device information

n  Editing of Payroll Information - allows the user to update/modify employees payroll information

n  Editing of Identification - allows the user to update/modify employees identifications

n  Editing of Address - allows the user to update/modify employees addresses.

n  Editing of Family Background- allows the user to update/modify employees family background.

n  Editing of Educational Background- allows the user to update/modify employees educational background.

n  Editing of Work Experience - allows the user to update/modify employees work experience.

n  Editing of Medical Record - allows the user to update/modify employees medical record.

n  Editing of Documents - allows the user to update/modify employees documents.

n  Editing of Trainings - allows the user to update/modify employees trainings.

n  Editing of Other Info - allows the user to update/modify employees other infos.

n  Editing of Character Reference - allows the user to update/modify employees addresses.

n  Reset Password - gives user the rights to reset any employees password

l  Groups

n  View Groups - allows the user to view all groups such as Companies, Positions, Cost Centers, etc..

n  Adding of Groups - allows the user to add new groups.

n  Editing of Groups - allows the user to edit/update any existing groups.

n  Deleting of Groups - allows the user to delete any existing groups.


l  Cutoffs

n  View Cutoff Management Module - allows the user to view all created cutoffs

n  Create new cutoff - allows the user to create a new cutoff

n  Delete cutoff - allows the user to delete existing draft cutoffs

n  Post Cutoff - allows the user to Post/Freeze all data of the cutoffs

n  Unpost Cutoff - allows the user to Unpost/Unfreeze all the data of the cutoffs.

n  Show DTR Columns Only - restrict the user to view all DTR details only.

n  Show DTR Actionable Tab - shows the tab of Actionable DTR.

n  Show Own Payroll Only - restrict showing payroll data to users only.


l  Payroll Adjustment Management

n  View Payroll Adjustment - allows the user to view all filed payroll adjustments with the selected date range.

n  Create Payroll Adjustment - allows the user to create new payroll adjustment for specific dates

n  Edit Payroll Adjustment - allows the user to edit all existing payroll adjustment

n  Delete Payroll Adjustment - allows the user to delete existing payroll adjustments

n  Import Payroll Adjustment - allows the user to import a payroll adjustment template

n  Template Payroll Adjustment - allows user to download a template for payroll adjustment


l  Payroll Adjustment Type Management

n  View Payroll Adjustment Types - allows user to view all created payroll adjustment types.

n  Create Payroll Adjustment Types - allows user to create new payroll adjustment type.

n  Edit Payroll Adjustment Types - allows the user to edit existing payroll adjustment type.

n  Delete Payroll Adjustment Types- allows the user to delete existing payroll adjustment type.


l  Payroll Loan Management

n  View Payroll Loans - allows the user to view all payroll loans.

n  Create Payroll Loans - allows the user to create a new payroll loan.

n  Edit Payroll Loans - allows the user to edit/modify existing payroll loans.

n  Delete Payroll Loans - allows the user to delete existing payroll loans.


l  Payroll Loan Type Management

n  View Payroll Loans Types - allows the user to view all payroll loan types.

n  Create Payroll Loans Types - allows the user to create a new payroll loan types.

n  Edit Payroll Loans Types - allows the user to edit/modify existing payroll loan types.

n  Delete Payroll Loans Types - allows the user to delete existing payroll loan types.


l  Off-Cycle Pay Management

n  View Off-Cycle Pay - allows the user to view all off-cycle pays.

n  Create Off-Cycle Pay - allows the user to create new off-cycle pays.

n  Edit Off-Cycle Pay - allows the user to edit/modify off-cycle pay.

n  Delete Off-Cycle Pay - allows the user to delete off-cycle pays.

n  Import Off-Cycle Pay Template - allows user to import off-cycle pay via excel template.


l  Off-Cycle Pay Type Management

n  View Off-Cycle Pay Types - allows the user to view all off-cycle pay types.

n  Create Off-Cycle Pay Types - allows the user to create a new off-cycle pay types.

n  Edit Off-Cycle Pay Types - allows the user to edit/modify existing off-cycle pay types.

n  Delete Off-Cycle Pay Types - allows the user to delete existing off-cycle pay types.


l  Fringe Benefit

n  View Fringe Benefit - allows the user to view all fringe benefits.

n  Create Fringe Benefit - allows the user to create a new fringe benefits.

n  Edit Fringe Benefit - allows the user to update/edit existing fringe benefit.

n  Delete Fringe Benefit - allows the user to delete existing fringe benefits.


l  Payroll Bank Management

n  View Payroll Bank - allows the user to view all enrolled payroll banks.

n  Create Payroll Bank - allows the user to create/enroll new payroll banks.

n  Edit Payroll Bank - allows the user to edit/modify existing payroll banks.

n  Delete Payroll Bank - allows the user to delete existing payroll banks.


l  Payroll Profile Management

n  View Payroll Profile - allows the user to view all payroll profiles.

n  Create Payroll Profile - allows the user to create/set up a new payroll profile

n  Edit Payroll Profile - allows the user to edit/modify existing payroll profile.

n  Delete Payroll Profile - allows the user to delete existing payroll profile.


l  Payroll Rate Profile Management

n  View Payroll Rate Profile - allows the user to view all payroll rate profiles.

n  Create Payroll Rate Profile - allows the user to create/set up a new payroll rate profile.

n  Edit Payroll Rate Profile - allows the user to edit/modify existing payroll rate profiles.

n  Delete Payroll Rate Profile - allows the user to delete existing payroll rate profiles.


l  Alphanumeric Tax Code Profile

n  View of ATC Profile - allows the user to view all existing ATC profiles.

n  Adding of ATC Profile - allows the user to add new ATC profile.

n  Editing of ATC Profile - allows the user to edit/modify existing ATC profiles.

n  Deleting of ATC Profile - allows the user to delete existing ATC profiles.


l  Overtime

n  View Overtime Requests - allows the user to view all overtime requests from the set date range.

n  Create Overtime Requests - allows the user to create/request overtime filing for the personnel.

n  Edit Overtime Requests - allows the user to edit/update all pending overtime requests.

n  Delete Overtime Requests - allows the user to delete overtime requests.

n  Approve Overtime Requests - allows the user to approve overtime requests.

n  Reject Overtime Requests - allows the user to reject overtime requests.

n  Cancel Overtime Requests - allows the user to cancel overtime requests.

n  Export Overtimes to Excel - allows the user to export list of overtime requests from specific date range to excel.

n  Import Overtimes - allows the user to import overtimes via excel.

n  Enable Email Notification of Overtime - enables the sending of notification to email.


l  Official Businesses

n  View Official Businesses Requests - allows the user to view all official businesses requests from the set date range.

n  Create Official Businesses Requests - allows the user to create/request official businesses filing for the personnel.

n  Edit Official Businesses Requests - allows the user to edit/update all pending official businesses requests.

n  Delete Official Businesses Requests - allows the user to delete official businesses requests.

n  Approve Official Businesses Requests - allows the user to approve official businesses requests.

n  Reject Official Businesses Requests - allows the user to reject official businesses requests.

n  Cancel Official Businesses Requests - allows the user to cancel official businesses requests.

n  Export Official Businesses to Excel - allows the user to export list of official businesses requests from specific date range to excel.

n  Import Official Businesses - allows the user to import official businesses via excel.

n  Enable Email Notification of Official Businesses - enables the sending of notification to email.


l  Compensatory Time-Offs/Offset

n  View Offsets Requests - allows the user to view all offsets requests from the set date range.

n  Create Offsets Requests - allows the user to create/request offsets filing for the personnel.

n  Edit Offsets Requests- allows the user to edit/update all pending offsets requests.

n  Delete Offsets Requests - allows the user to delete offsets requests.

n  Approve Offsets Requests - allows the user to approve offsets requests.

n  Reject Offsets Requests - allows the user to reject offsets requests.

n  Cancel Offsets Requests - allows the user to cancel offsets requests.

n  Export Offsets to Excel - allows the user to export list of offsets requests from specific date range to excel.

n  Import Offsets - allows the user to import offsets via excel.

n  Enable Email Notification of Offsets - enables the sending of notification to email.


l  Leaves

n  View Leaves Requests - allows the user to view all leaves requests from the set date range.

n  Create Leaves Requests - allows the user to create/request leaves filing for the personnel.

n  Edit Leaves Requests- allows the user to edit/update all pending leaves requests.

n  Delete Leaves Requests - allows the user to delete leaves requests.

n  Approve Leaves Requests - allows the user to approve leaves requests.

n  Reject Leaves Requests - allows the user to reject leaves requests.

n  Cancel Leaves Requests - allows the user to cancel leaves requests.

n  Export Leaves to Excel - allows the user to export list of leaves requests from specific date range to excel.

n  Import Leaves - allows the user to import leaves via excel.

n  Enable Email Notification of Leaves  - enables the sending of notification to email.


l  Leave Type Management

n  View Leave Types - allows the user to view all leave types.

n  Create Leave Types - allows the user to create new leave type.

n  Edit Leave Types - allows the user to edit/modify existing leave types.

n  Delete Leave Types - allows the user to delete existing leave types.


l  Leave Profile

n  View Leave Profile - allows the user to view all leave profiles.

n  Create Leave Profile - allows the user to create/set up new leave profiles.

n  Edit Leave Profile - allows the user to edit/update existing leave profiles.

n  Delete Leave Profile - allows the user to delete existing leave profiles.


l  Leave Conversion

n  View Leave Conversion - allows the user to view leave conversion profile.

n  Create Leave Conversion - allows the user to create new leave conversion cutoff.

n  Delete Leave Conversion - allows the user to delete all leave conversion cutoff with DRAFT status.

n  Post Leave Conversion - allows the user to post/freeze all data of leave conversion cutoff.

n  Unpost Leave Conversion - allows the user to unpost/unfreeze all data of leave conversion cutoff.


l  Leave Balance Adjustments

n  View Leave Balance Adjustments - allows the user to view all leave balance adjustments.

n  Create Leave Balance Adjustments - allows the user to create a leave balance adjustment.

n  Edit Leave Balance Adjustments - allows the user to edit/update existing leave balance adjustments.

n  Delete Leave Balance Adjustments - allows the user to delete existing leave balance adjustments.

n  Export Leave Balance Adjustments - allows the user to export all leave balance adjustment based on the set date range.

n  Import Leave Balance Adjustments - allows the user to import leave balance adjustment via excel template.


l  Schedule Management

n  View Schedule Management - allows the user to view tagged schedule on the employee(s).

n  Tagging Schedule Management - allows the user to tag an existing schedule profile to a personnel.

n  Modify Schedule Management - allows the user to modify a current tag schedule profile of personnel.

n  Delete Schedule tagged on Employees - allows the user to delete tagged schedule profile to a personnel.


l  Schedule Profiles

n  View Schedule Profile - allows the user to view all existing schedule profiles.

n  Create new Schedule Profile - allows the user to create/set up a new schedule profile.

n  Modify Schedule Profile - allows the user to edit/modify schedule profile.

n  Delete Schedule Profile - allows the user to delete existing schedule profile.


l  Change of Restdays

n  View Change of Restdays Requests - allows the user to view all change of restdays requests from the set date range.

n  Create Change of Restdays Requests - allows the user to create/request change of restdays filing for the personnel.

n  Edit Change of Restdays Requests- allows the user to edit/update all pending change of restdays requests.

n  Delete Change of Restdays Requests - allows the user to delete change of restdays requests.

n  Approve Change of Restdays Requests - allows the user to approve change of restdays requests.

n  Reject Change of Restdays Requests - allows the user to reject change of restdays requests.

n  Cancel Change of Restdays Requests - allows the user to cancel change of restdays requests.

n  Export Change of Restdays to Excel - allows the user to export list of change of restdays requests from specific date range to excel.

n  Import Change of Restdays - allows the user to import change of restdays via excel.

n  Enable Email Notification of Change of Restdays - enables the sending of notification to email.


l  Change of Schedule

n  View Change of Schedule Requests - allows the user to view all change of schedule requests from the set date range.

n  Create Change of Schedule Requests - allows the user to create/request change of schedule filing for the personnel.

n  Edit Change of Schedule Requests- allows the user to edit/update all pending change of schedule requests.

n  Delete Change of Schedule Requests - allows the user to delete change of schedule requests.

n  Approve Change of Schedule Requests - allows the user to approve change of schedule requests.

n  Reject Change of Schedule Requests - allows the user to reject change of schedule requests.

n  Cancel Change of Schedule Requests - allows the user to cancel change of schedule requests.

n  Export Change of Schedule to Excel - allows the user to export list of change of schedule requests from specific date range to excel.

n  Import Change of Schedule - allows the user to import change of schedule via excel.

n  Enable Email Notification of Change of Schedule - enables the sending of notification to email.


l  Holidays

n  View Holiday Management - allows the user to view all assigned holiday for the month/years.

n  Create new Holiday - allows the user the make an specific date a holiday.

n  Modify Holiday - allows the user to modify an existing assigned holidays.

n  Delete Holiday - allows the user to delete an existing assigned holidays.


l  Devices

n  View Device Management Module - allows the user to view all registered devices.

n  Add New Device - allows the user to add the device manually.

n  Modify Device - allows the user to modify devices functions and info.

n  Set inactive/Restore to active on Device - allows the user to delete/set the device as inactive

n  Upload user information to Device - allows the user to upload saved data from the database to the devices.

n  Download user information from Device - allows the user to download all information of the user from the device to the database.

n  Remove user to Device - allows the user to remove users to the device.

n  Download device information - allows the user to download the device information.

n  Resend Time Entries - allows the user to resend all time entries.

n  Enroll Users on Device - allows the user to enroll a personnel to the device.

n  Reboot Device - allows the user to reboot the device remotely.

n  Scan for Unknown devices on network - allows the user to scan unregistered device on the network.

n  Register Unknown Devices - allows the user to add unregistered device.

n  Delete Unknown Devices - allows the user to delete unknown device.

n  Can manage clock assignments - allows the user to give access to clock assignments.

n  View Remote Clock Assignments Module - allows the user to give access to remote  clock assignments.

n  Can Update Remote Clock Assignment Restrictions - allows the user to update access to remote  clock assignments.


l  Device Logs/ Time Entries

n  View Device Logs (Time Entries) - allows the user to view all time entries.

n  Import Device Logs from Device Export File - allows the user to import time entries data from device.

n  Export Device Logs to Excel File - allows the user to export time entries to excel.


l  Reports

n  View Government Forms - allows the user to view all government forms/reports.

n  View HR Reports - allows the user to view all HR Reports (gender reports, employee masterlist, etc.)

n  View DTR Reports - allows the user to vew all DTR Reports (absent reports, late reports, perfect attendance reports, etc..)

n  View Payroll Reports - allows the user to view all payroll reports (sss contribution reports, pagibig reports, etc..).

n  View Leave Summary Only - allows the user to view only the leave balance summary report.


l  Audit Trail

n  View Audit Trails - allows the user to view all audit trails

n  Export Audit Trails to Excel - allows the user to export all audit trails to excel.




4.1 How to Create a User Rights


1.     Go to Administration tab then select User Rights Module

2.     Click the New button

3.     Assign a name for the User Rights

4.     Check all the rights and privileges to be accessible by the personnel.

5.     Click Save.


4.2 How to assign the User Rights to an Employee/Personnel


1. Go to Employees Module

2. Search the Specific Employee,

3. View Employees Details

4. Under HR & Account Information, look for User Role

5. Select the desired User Rights Name for the personnel

6. Click Save.