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What's in the Schedule Module

Schedule module allows the user to create and assign a schedule for specific groups or employee.

There are two(2) types of schedule module for the software:

Schedule Profile: Allows you to create an specific shift working hours, allowed Overtimes, tardiness settings, etc.

You can also assign if the personnel will follow an specific schedule, a flexible schedule, or a Non- Punching schedule.

  • STANDARD - schedule that has a start time and End time, this schedule computes Late, Undertime and Overtimes
  • FLEXIBLE - schedule that doesn’t required a Start Time but needed to complete the assigned hours per day. This schedule computes undertime and Overtime.
  • NON- PUNCHING - this schedule doesn’t required a Time IN and Time Out, this doesn’t compute Lates and Undertimes but also doesn’t compute Overtimes.

There are 3 sections for Schedule Profile

  1. General - Allows user to indicate working hours and assigning breaks and Rest days
  2. Tardiness Policies - Allows user to Indicate the needed hours per day, Grace Periods, Undertime, etc..
  3. Overtime Policies - Allows user to allow Maximum OT/s, Minimum OT/s, Start of Night Differentials and End of Night Differentials

Terminologies/Fields : 

  • General:
    • Day - name of the Day
    • Start Time - Start time of the schedule
    • Hours Work - Hours to be rendered in a day
    • Break Start - Start of the Break for the day
    • Minutes Break - Minutes of break to be rendered
    • Is Restday - Assigning the day to be considered as Restday by the Software
    • More Breaks - Creating more breaks for the Day [Text Wrapping Break](eg. Coffee Breaks, Morning Breaks)
    • Copy First Row - all Schedule settings inputted on First Row (Monday) will be copied to all the rows
  • Tardiness Policies:
    • Hours Per Day - Considered the rendered hours for the day ( exceeding will be considered as OT and below will be mark as Late/Undertime )
    • Grace Period - allowing the personnel to avoid being late for the declared period of time.
    • Include Grace Period on Late - Assigned Grace period on the profile will be added to personnel’s Late if the personnel didn’t make it on time.
    • Late + Under-time considered as half-day - total hours for the day to be considered as half-day. (eg. 5 hours of duty will only be considered as halfday).
    • Late + Under-time considered as half-day - total hours for the day to be considered as half-day. (eg. 6 hours of duty will be considered as absent).
    • Undertime RoundUp - Undertime computation will automatically round up. (eg. Undertime RoundUp = 30 minutes, Undertime of Personnel is 6minutes, it will be automatically Round up to 30 minutes)
    • Late RoundUps - Undertime computation will automatically round up. (eg. Late RoundUp is 15 minutes, Actual Late of personnel is 5 minutes, the late will automatically round up to 15 minutes).
  • Overtime Policies:
    • ND Start - Start Time for considering rendered hours as Night Differential.
    • ND End - End Time for considering rendered hours as Night Differential.
    • Allowed Early In - Clock in ahead of schedule will be considered as Overtime.
    • Minimum OT - Minimum Overtime to be rendered before considering as overtime (eg. 60 minutes is the set minimum OT but the actual rendered OT is 59 minutes only, it will not be considered as OT).
    • OT Round down - Hours rendered exceeded will automatically round down (eg. OT Round Down is set to 30 minutes but the actual rendered is 45 minutes, the system will round down the OT to 30 minutes).
    • Minimum gap between shift - Hours to be set before the next day schedule so that the system will know if the schedule is now on next day.
    • Max Allowed Auto-Compute OT - Overtimes that doesn’t need to be filed for approval.
    • Max OT - Overtime that can be filed in a day. 
    • Must be present on Work Day before holiday for HD pay - if this feature is enabled, the personnel should be present on their schedule before the holiday to be paid.
    • Must Complete Regular Hours work to count as OT - the personnel should complete the assigned hours per day to be credited as OT
    • OT Start - Overtime will start computing if the exceeded hours work meets the set minute
    • Allow to compute RD/HD/SD OT - Allows the system to compute all Restday, Regular and Special Holidays automatically without filing a Overtime.
    • Consider Schedule on Holiday - The system will consider the assigned schedule on Holiday (eg. Start Time of Schedule is 8:00 AM and the personnel Clock IN at 7:00 AM, his Holiday work will start at 8:00 AM).
    • Allowed Compute Early OT Hours - Early IN will be computed as Overtime without filing needed