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What's in the Cutoff Management Module?

Cutoff Management contains all the computations such as DTR and Payrolls.

See the following functions and terminologies included in this module:

1. Standard - standard cutoff contains the DTR and Payroll. Each contains the following:

  • DTR Summary - summary of all total data within the date range of Cutoff created. It includes the Regular Hours, Overtime, Rest Day Work, etc.
  • DTR Details - the detailed version of DTR. It shows the Time IN and Time Out for each day.
  • Actionable DTR - shows all the possible overtimes or missing time logs
  • Payroll - computes all the hours work    

2. Off-Cycle - handles all computations based on transactions filed outside the regular payrun.

3. Leave Conversion - computes all the unused leaves that are convertible to cash.

4. 13th Month Pay - computes the total 13th month pay for the date range set.

5. Quit Claim - computes the last pay of the employee that resigned within the date range of the current cutoff.


Cutoff Actions:

  • Back - return or exits the current cutoff viewed.
  • Post/Unpost - freeze or unfreeze the data of the cutoff
  • Export to Excel - export DTR details to Excel file
  • Payroll Register - creates a payroll summary of the selected cutoff
  • Payslips - generate a PDF type of payslip based on the payroll computed on the employee
  • Remittance - generate a text file based on the selected supported bank that can be imported on online banking
  • Bank Summary - generate a PDF file with the list of the employees with their total salary in the current cutoff