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What's in Government Reports

Government Reports allows you to generate all the annual and other government payroll reports.

You can generate the following reports in this module:

  • BIR Forms:

    • BIR Form 1601-C - also known as Monthly Remittance Return of Creditable Income Taxes Withheld (Expanded) is a tax return filed by a designated Withholding agent who is required of withholding taxes on income payments subject to Expanded / Creditable Withholding Taxes.
    • BIR Form 1601-E - or also known as Monthly Remittance Return of Creditable Income Taxes Withheld (Expanded) is a tax return filed by a designated Withholding agent who is required of withholding taxes on income payments subject to Expanded / Creditable Withholding Taxes
    • BIR Form 1603 - Quarterly Remittance Return of Final Income Taxes Withheld On Fringe Benefits Paid to Employees Other than Rank and File. This quarterly withholding tax remittance return shall be filed in triplicate by every Withholding Agent (WA / payor) required to deduct and withhold taxes on fringe benefits furnished or granted to employees other than rank and file employees subject to Final Withholding Taxes. 
    • BIR Form 1604CF - Annual Information Return of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation and Final Withholding Taxes which is filed by a withholding agent who is required to withhold and deduct taxes on compensation that were paid to employees 
    • BIR Form 2316 - is an annual tax return form that must be submitted to the BIR by all companies in the Philippines that had engaged employees at any time during the previous calendar year 
    • BIR Alphalist - or alphalist is an attachment to BIR form 1604-CF, and includes an alphabetical list of employees who have paid tax in line with Philippine Revenue Regulations.
  • SSS Forms:
    • SSS ML1 - Use this form exclusively for your SALARY/CALAMITY/EDUCATIONAL/. EMERGENCY/STOCK INVESTMENT LOAN payments 
    • SSS R3 - Is a Employees Contribution Collection List that is submitted Monthly or Quarterly 
    • SSS R5 - Is a Employers Contribution Collection List that is submitted Monthly or Quarterly. 
  • Pagibig Forms:
    • Pagibig MSRF - or Membership Savings Remittance Form is use for monthly contribution report to Pagibig 
    • Pagibig STLRF - or Short-term Loan Remittance Form used by the Employer to pay the Employee’s Short-term Loan.