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What is Overtime

Overtime is the exceeding hours you rendered from your daily working hours.

This feature contains the following functions and terminologies: 

  • Employees - selected employee(s)
  • Date - Date of your overtime
  • Start Time -Start of your overtime
  • Next Day - if the start of the Overtime occurs on the next day, this is mostly used if the employee has a Night Shift schedule
  • Hours Break - Hours to be reduced on the overtime if the employee has a break 
  • Pre-computed OT hours - computes your overtime based on the Start Time/End of Schedule (Note: This is auto-generated and cannot be edited)
  •  OT Hours - requested overtime hours, you can also rely on the Pre-Computed 
  • Overtime Reasons - Reason or Remarks for filing the overtime
  • Approved OT hours (Approver Only) - approved hours that will be computed in the system (e.g.: filed request is 4 hours, but approved hours is 3 hours only, it will credit the 3 hours only)